You gain your normal number of spells whenever you are supposed to, Clerics and Druids still have access to all spells and must spend time each morning praying for spells. Wizards and Illusionists still can learn spells from scrolls. Instead of being "fire and forget" as standard C&C/D&D is, you now can cast any spell, any number of times. Your spell always goes off, but after each spell is cast you must make a Saving Throw using your relevant spellcasting ability (INT for Wizards and Illusionists, WIS for Clerics and Druids, etc.) base obstacle being 12 + level of spell, + the HD of creatures you affect. You roll 1d20 + ability modifier + level. If you succeed, continue as you were, if you fail, you take -2 Constitution damage (no HP damage, let's not make this more harmful or more complicated than it needs to be). If you lose all your CON this way, you die. You regain CON back at a rate of +2 per 8 hours of rest, so +6 per day. This damage cannot be alleviated via spells.
Check out this fashionable fellow.
20 hours ago
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